Are you often on the move and only need an office space once in a while? Then you can get a voucher with 4 clips per month (with savings for unused clips).
> Voucher for 4 working days per month
> Office space in a smaller office
> Only 1 month binding period
> Only 1 month's deposit
> Free coffee/tea
More and more companies are choosing to think differently when it comes to employees' physical workplaces.
We have several tenants who have moved office space within the same location. They do, either
Officehotel i Brønshøj NYHED! Vi kan tilbyde at leje en flydende eller fast plads i
We guarantee an office - and help you out of double rent. Depending on,
Officehotel is an office hotel located in Brønshøj. Our concept is simple. You rent your desired office space and get all necessities included in the price. The process is completely transparent, so you don't get any unforeseen expenses or conditions along the way. We are transparent - all the way!