Bright office close to the canteen
BRØNSHØJ: 2-4 pers. • kr. 7.000,- pr. md. KAMPAGNEPRIS: Betal kr. 7.000,- /md. de første tre
Depending on where you move from, it can be confusing for some to have to vacate a lease. The vast majority of places have a notice period of 3 months, and this means that you get double rent if the new place does not offer an office warranty.
Don't worry - we do!
If we have an office available that you want to move into, we can reserve it for you against payment of a deposit for the room. Easy and simple! That way you avoid double rent and at the same time secure a new office space with an easy and quick move-in when you are ready for it.
At Officehotel you have a 3 months notice, which is standard in most places.
The termination move itself is often also a general concern from new tenants. We experience many being in doubt about the rules for the deposit as they fear losing it due to moving expenses. However, since we are 100% transparent, we have already stipulated the moving expenses in the lease before signing. This means that you already know the amount for moving out before even moving in - and we simply deduct this price from the deposit, so you get the remaining amount paid out when you move out.
Simple concept - honest prices.
BRØNSHØJ: 2-4 pers. • kr. 7.000,- pr. md. KAMPAGNEPRIS: Betal kr. 7.000,- /md. de første tre
BRØNSHØJ: 2-4 pers. • kr. 7.000,- pr. md. KAMPAGNEPRIS: Betal kr. 7.000,- /md. de første tre
Officehotel Brønshøj I Brønshøj har Officehotel haft adresse siden 2019. Vi ligger på Kobbelvænget –
Information I nedenstående FAQ kan du finde svar på de spørgsmål, vi oftest bliver stillet.
BRØNSHØJ: 2-4 pers. • kr. 7.000,- pr. md. KAMPAGNEPRIS: Betal kr. 7.000,- /md. de første tre
We guarantee an office - and help you out of double rent. Depending on,
Denne privatlivspolitik gælder for De Forenede Ejendomsselskaber A/S (DFE) og koncernforbundne selskaber, herunder Officehotel (Maskinfabrikken
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Office hotel in Valby We have installed 7 parking spaces with electric charging stations from Clever, which you can...
BRØNSHØJ: 2-4 pers. • kr. 7.000,- pr. md. KAMPAGNEPRIS: Betal kr. 7.000,- /md. de første tre
Til alle start-up’s BRØNSHØJ Til dig, der er begyndt på den selvstændige rejse med behov
VALBY: 1-3 pers. • kr. 5.775,- pr. md. Lokale nr. 43 er beliggende på 1. salen
Officehotel is an office hotel located in Brønshøj and Valby. Our concept is simple. You rent your desired office space and get all necessities included in the price. The process is completely transparent, so you don't get any unforeseen expenses or conditions along the way. We are transparent - all the way!